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The New York City Chapter of the Congress for New Urbanism

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The City of Yes: Unaffordable Housing in the Real Estate State

“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Manhattan anymore (New York, or Kansas)!”

City of Yes Articles by CNU NYC Chair John Massengale

Part One: City of Yes Proposal Is a Free Pass for Big Real Estate
Part Two: I’m a New Yorker, Not a NIMBY
Part Three: The City of Yes Will Make Manhattan a Big Fat Mess
Part Four: The Bronx and Staten Island Too
Let’s Give City of Yes Tough Scrutiny Before We Sign Off, Says One Critic
Big Real Estate’s Continuing Stranglehold Over New York City
Location, Location, Location: Affordable Housing and Urban Form in Manhattan
Capping the Heights TBD

More City of Yes Articles

Quote from Mayor Adams’ signature ‘City of Yes’ housing plan passes key NYC commission: “Leah Goodridge, who voted against the plan, said that some supporters have implied that City of Yes naysayers are “only white homeowners in Staten Island and Queens who are so-called NIMBYs, and that’s it, and so this project is for Black and brown [New Yorkers].”

“I really reject that narrative,” said Goodridge, who was appointed by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. “There were lots of Black and brown New Yorkers who came and testified against this project, she added. “Precisely the wording and the framing that they used are, ‘Why are we giving away the city to private developers? What are we getting in return?’”

City Club of New York, City of Yes for Housing Opportunity: City Club Recommendations
City Club of New York, COYHO Testimony by City Club President Layla Law-Gisiko
City Club of New York, Rethinking the Housing Crisis: Beyond the Supply-Demand Dogma
Friends of the Upper East Side, COYHO Impacts on the Upper East and West Sides with George Janes
Friends of the Upper East Side, COYHO Testimony at City Planning Commission
Historic District Council, HDC’s City of Yes Advocacy
Landmark West!, Is This the City You Want to Live In? How Will the Mayor’s ‘City of Yes’ Impact Your Neighborhood?
Lower East Side Preservation Initiative, Tell the Mayor and your City Council Representative that the latest upzoning proposal—”City of Yes: Housing Opportunity”—needs serious rethinking
Village Preservation, “City of Yes” Would Allow for Bigger Taller Luxury Condo Developments While Stripping Neighborhood Zoning Protections
Village Preservation, Is a Housing ‘Shortage’ Really the Cause of Unaffordabilty?
Village Preservation, Letter to Elected Officials and Boards
Village Preservation, COYHO Advocacy

City Club of New York Webinar

City of Yes For Housing Opportunity with Council Member Chris Marte