Public Forum — Thursday, October 3, 7:00PM — The Montauk Club, 25 8th Avenue (corner of Lincoln Place), Brooklyn
Sixteen years after the announcement of the Atlantic Yards project, fundamental questions about the completion of its affordable housing—required in less than six years—and other public benefits still remain. Where will the rest of the apartments be built, and when? Who will be able to afford to live in them? At the same time, the City has yet to address the disruption caused by both project construction and the ongoing operation of an arena built in a residential neighborhood. How can street safety and local quality of life be improved during the next phase of development?
Join Brooklyn Speaks for a discussion with local elected officials and advocates engaging community members to envision a better roadmap for what lies ahead. We’ll also discuss the recent announcement by Greenland Forest City Partners regarding the expected start of construction next year of the platform over the western half of the Vanderbilt rail yard.
Assembly Member Walter Mosley
Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon
City Council Member Brad Lander
Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council
North Prospect Heights Association
Fifth Avenue Committee
Park Slope Civic Council
Boerum Hill Association
Atlantic Avenue LDC
North Flatbush BID
IMPACCT Brooklyn
Diaspora Community Services